
A community of students interested to learn more about Ukraine


Watch. Listen. Talk. Feel. Understand. 

Bring Ukraine closer.


We organize guest lectures, film screenings and other expertise exchange about modern Ukraine and its history.

We introduce Ukrainian and German (and international) students to each other in order to facilitate cultural and personal exchange and exchange of perspectives.

Here is a selection of very good online resources about modern Ukraine and Ukrainians.

Every last Friday of the month we meet to discuss a particular topic about Ukraine, its past, present or future. Everyone is heartily welcome to join! 

Here you can find a list of books in Ukrainian and about Ukraine (in English and German), as well as translations of modern Ukrainian literature that you can borrow in Bielefeld.

If you'd like to learn Ukrainian language (which is not the same as Russian), we would be more than happy to support you in this! 


Calendar of events:


Contact us to get more information about the projects!